August 8, 2022 · less than 3 min read
Fake news still doesn’t pay.
One after another
It hasn’t been a great week for Alex Jones. And certainly not for his attorneys. He’s just been found financially liable for spreading the ‘Sandy Hook was a false flag’ conspiracy theory. He’ll now have to pay an initial $4 million to some of the victims’ families. How did the jury reach such a verdict? Well, Jones’ attorneys accidentally sent prosecutors 2 years’ worth of text messages, all of which blew his defense out the water. Ouch.
Jones has since claimed the $4 million figure is a success, owing to the fact that he was initially being pursued for about $150 million. But as far as hollow victories go? This is pretty high on the list. His leaked messages show Jones saying that even $2 million would likely sink his InfoWars empire. And the worst news? This is only the first case facing him.
Next steps
Jones is facing more trials in the coming months, so while he can try and claim this reduced sum as a victory, there’s still every chance he’s going to be saddled with some substantial debts in the near future.
Even during this two week trial, Jones’ very own Free Speech Systems business, the parent company of InfoWars, filed for bankruptcy. So, with more financial troubles ahead, Alex Jones might have to find some honest work to pay off his dishonest crimes.
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