June 7, 2022 · less than 3 min read
With the president here to stay, gas prices increase day by day.
Double trouble for Biden
What’s happened since Biden’s first day in the Oval Office? Lots. Good and bad. Including gas prices steadily rising to the point that they’re now on the verge of doubling. That’s quite something – it’s barely been a year and a half. Back in January, the average price of gas was $2.40. Now, thanks to the challenging economic climate, the national average cost of a gallon of gas is set to top a whopping $4.80.
And the timing of all this really couldn’t be worse. Democrats will be seeking votes in November, and hiking gas prices are hitting people where it hurts. According to the Department of Transportation, the average American drives about 13,476 miles a year. All that fuel adds up.
Biden to blame? Joe says no
The president recently let us know that there’s not much he can do about rising gas prices. Inflation across the country is here to stay, and Democrats are keen to remind people of the many causes of this price crisis and factors to consider.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre placed a lot of the blame on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, saying, “[Biden has] helped the economy get back on its feet. That’s what his policies have done. When we talk about the gas prices right now, this is indeed Putin’s gas hike… We have seen about a 60 percent increase in the past several months because of the amassing and his invasion of Ukraine.”
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