May 30, 2022 · less than 3 min read
Newly released documents from the Bush era give readers an insight into the government’s secret plans for the apocalypse.
Bush’s secrets spilled
Desperate to know what the plan is for an alien takeover? The last time any of us heard a peep about any apocalypse scenarios was way back in the Cold War. Since then, figuring out exactly what Uncle Sam’s plans are for The Big Day(™️) has been guesswork. Or at least, it was.
Newly disclosed documents dating from the Bush administration have offered just a hint of exciting/terrifying intel about what would happen in the event of, for instance, a nuclear attack.
The apocalyptic gossip
The documents show that the Bush administration’s response was mainly focused on laws permitting the president to take over or shut down communication networks in wartime. Nobody’s exactly sure how these directives have evolved since the Cold War, but we do know that when Bush was in power, there were 48 of them – and that had risen to 58 by 2008.
More has also been made public about draft emergency action orders from the 1950s and 60s, which included directives imposing versions of martial law, censoring information crossing the border and suspending court hearings for detained people. The long and short of it? Should the apocalypse happen, you can say goodbye to those cherished freedoms.
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