May 9, 2022 · less than 3 min read
As we all look to make cutbacks on our expenses, streaming platforms are on the chopping block – but they aren’t going down without a fight.
No more Netflix, or adieu Amazon?
The golden age of streaming could be on its way out. With Netflix recently announcing losses of more than $50 billion after its subscriber count fell, the power of streaming giants is, for the first time, being challenged. And, according to a recent study, they might come out second best.
The survey, as reported by StudyFinds, found that 57 percent of people are planning to cut at least some of their paid streaming subscriptions. Although many of us have several different streaming accounts, it looks like people are set to drop three out of their five subscriptions.
I streamed a stream
However, it’s not all bad news. Most customers aren’t planning to shut down their Netflix and Amazon Prime accounts (75%), or their satellite TV subscriptions (61%). But with wallets tightening, the big dogs of streaming can’t rest on their laurels.
So what exactly are people looking for from the optimum streaming service? Simple: Affordability, a wide content selection, and a user-friendly interface. Can we have all three? Between the top guns, there could be a race to the bottom to retain a huge customer base.
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