Chicago residents have the power

By Scoop
April 4, 2022 · less than 3 min read

The ‘Chicago Moves’ initiative will issue thousands of pre-loaded gas and public transit cards in response to the spike in gas prices.  

The Lightfoot lottery 

In times of crisis, it’s good to know your city has your back. Like many across the US, Chicago residents have been feeling the pinch of sky-high gas prices and inflation. And with some people now having to choose between heating their homes or filling up the tank, the city’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, is taking action.  

The announcement of the ‘Chicago Moves’ scheme will see up to 50,000 pre-loaded gas cards – worth $150 each – handed out to residents via a lottery style system. Not enough for ya? Try 100,000 pre-loaded cards for public transit worth $50. As the first major city to embark on this sort of scheme, its success could see others quickly follow after.   

Small joy for Illinois 

The state of Illinois currently has some of the highest gas prices in the country, and they ain’t getting any cheaper. So, the hope is that Mayor Lightfoot’s initiative will make a marked difference to those who need help the most.  

“People have to be able to get to work, school, places of worship, medical offices, grocery stores,” she said. “The goal of this program is to help make those moves easier.” With applications opening at the end of April, it looks like there’s a Lightfoot at the end of the tunnel.  

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