March 23, 2022 · less than 3 min read
Thousands of Apple users suffered outages on Monday night, meaning there were no streaming services available through the evening.
A rotten apple
In total, nearly a dozen Apple streaming services went down for a few thousand users. From podcasts to music, outages were reported across the network, with tracking website Downdetector picking up nearly 10,000 issues.
It wasn’t just Apple’s consumers losing service – the company’s own staff ran into trouble too. Its corporate remote workers faced difficulties, while even retail staff found themselves cut off.
Apple hasn’t said too much about the issues, but it’s believed the company ran into a DNS error – that is, a problem connecting users to the right servers. Looks like it really does happen to the best of us…
Tech headaches
While this outage was by no means the worst tech headache faced by big companies in the last few months, DNS problems can cause nothing short of a disaster.
Last year, the great Facebook outage, as a very small list of people call it, saw all of Meta’s services disappear from the internet. DNS issues were also behind a number of issues facing banks and airlines. So while you can protect yourself from hackers and viruses, sometimes even the most simple of online services can cause you the most trouble.
The company’s head honchos will no doubt be relieved to know that this DNS disaster didn’t take too much of a bite out of Apple. But if it happens again, things could go sour.
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